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Multi-Cultural Faith 

As part of our continued promotion and understanding of British Values and our Catholic ethos, each year group will participate in a multicultural term of Faith. This is a chance for all children to study at depth a different culture and faith.

The Diocesan Education Service describes the purpose of Multicultural Education ‘as an opportunity for children to grow in awareness and appreciation of their own cultural heritage in order to develop a sense of pride and self-worth in who they are and, at the same time, to grow in awareness and appreciation of other people.’ This also reflects the DFE British Values curriculum of ‘tolerance of those of different faith and beliefs’.

Each year group has a different faith or Festival to learn about:

  • Nursery – Diwali
  • Reception – Chinese New Year 
  • Year 1 – Holi 
  • Year 2 –Buddhism
  • Year 3 – Judaism
  • Year 4 –Hinduism
  • Year 5 –Sikhism
  • Year 6 –Islam

All classes have the opportunity to visit or research a place of worship connected to their chosen faith. The children will share their knowledge and learning through a class Multicultural Prayer Service / Class Presentation. Evidence of this will be displayed through photos and video clips on each class website page. 

Please also visit each class website page to see more examples of Artwork displaying the learning of each faith.