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Christ the King Mission Statement and Motto

At Christ the King Catholic Primary School, Prayer and Liturgy play a vital role in our day-to-day lives.

We promote Prayer as being aware of the presence of God in our daily lives. We believe it is a way of developing, communicating and opening a relationship with God, a relationship of love and unity. At Christ the King, Prayer is not solely traditional prayers which are said, but words or actions that engage the whole person. Through prayer, we bring ourselves before God. We share our love, hope, difficulties, our own needs and the needs of others throughout the world.

An overview of what you would see at Christ the King Catholic Primary School

  • Mission Monday: Every Monday Morning, children and staff attend Mission assemblies where there is a focus on the Gospel. These are relevant to the Liturgical Year, or something specific that is happening in the world. These are planned and delivered by either SLT, who are often supported by the Chaplaincy Team/House Captains.  During the Monday Mission assembly, those who have been living out the half-term focus of the Catholic School Pupil Profile values and virtues are rewarded with a certificate.
  • School Mass: Children attend on alternative Tuesdays. At each Mass, children in Reception – Year 6 will participate in the mass through reading, singing and the offertory procession.
  • Sunday Mass: Children in upper key stage 2 read at Mass on a fortnightly rota. Children in Nursery - Year 2 are encouraged to attend children's liturgy and children in Year 3 – 6 are also encouraged to attend the school choir.
  • Gifts from God Assembly: Celebration assemblies are held on a Friday to reinforce the Gospel message, praise those who have been chosen as 'Star of the Week' and to share the children's gifts and talents. Messages from the Chaplaincy Team, House Captains, the Eco Team and Sporting updates are also shared.
  • Child Led Workship: During the week, groups of children plan and deliver weekly prayer services to their peers focused on a specific theme. This may be relevant to the Liturgical year, arising issues, class motivations, charities or general reflections.  Children use the 'Let Us Pray Together' resource to guide them in their planning.  
  • Rosary/Prayer Club:  We are currently developing a weekly club led by the Chaplaincy Team.  The uptake in October for Rosary Club was phenomenal, and so we are hoping to offer this club year round. 
  • Stations of the Cross: During Lent, children reflect on this important season where they participate in the Stations of the Cross at church on a Friday afternoon, with the Parish.
  • Benediction and Adoration: Throughout the year, there are opportunities for children to experience both Benediction and Adoration.
  • Partnership with Parents/Family Members: Throughout the year, we invite families into school to take part in Family Faith Days and also to witness a class prayer service.  These events are well attended by family members and the children love sharing their faith.

Our Chaplaincy Team

Our Chaplaincy Team is made up of children from Upper Key Stage 2. They meet regularly to discuss:  Catholic Life, the provision of Prayer and Liturgy and Religious Education. The team work together to provide resources, share Holy Times, prayer, monitor and evaluate the prayer life in our school and support our school in our Prayer and Collective Worship journey.
CTK Chaplaincy Team (

Our Vision

  • To provide an inspiring and well-rounded Catholic education for all our children, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life
  • To ensure our children know the importance of showing respect to all, to value other people’s viewpoints, and to be fearless when standing up for what is right and fair.
  • To support the emotional and spiritual needs of our children so that they develop strength of character and resilience, qualities they need as they grow up and go on to take their place in this fast-changing world

Our Class Saints (aS cHOSEN BY oUR cHAPLAINCY tEAM)


St John the Baptist
Patron of untold blessings

St Philomena
Patroness of infants, babies and youth


St Therese of Lisieux
Patroness of missions (small acts of kindness) and florists

St Gregory the Great
Patron of musicians, singers, students and teachers

Year 1

St Carlo Acutis
Patron of Youth Computer programmers

Mother Teresa
Patroness of the Archdiocese of Calcutta, missions and florists

Year 2

St Luke the Evangelist
Patron of physicians and surgeons

St Abigail
Patroness of honeybees and beekeepers

Year 3

Blessed Imelda Lambertina
Patroness of First Communicants

St Josemaria Escriva
Patron of those who suffer with diabetes

Year 4

St Martin de Porres
Patron of social justice, racial harmony, and mixed-race people.

St Veronica
Patroness of laundry workers and photographers

Year 5

St Michael the Archangel
Patron of the Military, Polic officers, Firemen, and people who work in dangerous conditions.

St Kateri Tekakwitha
Patroness of ecology and the environment

Year 6

St Joseph of Cupertino
Patron of air travellers and students preparing for exams.

St Faustina Kowalska
Patroness of Divine Mercy